The western slope of Monte Baldo is extremely poor in surface water and important sources due to the arrangement of the rock strata in layers parallel to the slope line and the karst phenomena, infiltration and underground water flow due to the calcareous nature of the rocks.
However, in the range between 200 and 600 meters above sea level there are numerous sites for limited and intermittent sources.
In the past, these small wells represented an indispensable source of water for temporary summer settlements and for the residents of the more remote districts. Other troughs of different sizes and small catch basins were also built around these precious water points to allow a certain accumulation of water even in dry seasons.
Covered fountain
The Covered Fountain is one of the finest examples, consisting of an enclosed tunnel with a vaulted ceiling that allows the flow and collection of water, which flows through a spout into a red stone basin. The fountain is embellished by a small atrium covering the pool, also with a vaulted ceiling and gabled roof of large flagstones.
"Fintanela di Fasor" - Fasor water point and the Posei spring of Biaza
"Fintanela di Fasor" and the "Posei di Biaza" waterholes are expressions of the local dialect "Fontanile" and "Posei" to mark a waterhole that was once fundamental for the inhabitants of the small villages of Fasor and Biaza. Both look like small wells in rocky strata of limestone formations with more or less large rectangular formations for collecting and accumulating different amounts of water.
The origin of the water is the result of small springs, occasionally fed by atmospheric precipitation that increases its flow throughout the year. Until the 1960s and even more so in previous centuries, "Fintanela di Fasor" and "Posei di Biaza" were integral parts of the natural and daily rhythms of this territory.
The women drew water for domestic use; in a special "wash tub" the clothes were immersed and washed. Finally, in another basin, shepherds and farmers led their pack animals and their small herds to water mornings and evenings.
During the Middle Ages, the monks, careful guardians and administrators of this not very generous land, regularly recorded the "water points" that ensured a value for the amount of water available throughout the year.
"Fintanela di Fasor" like "Posei di Biaza" were also signaled and recorded with the general term "Vas" - raided, constant water collection point. Today they represent a historical testimony and an identity peculiar to the "Terra di Brenzone" (Land of Brenzone), a value for the locals and for all the guests who visit this place.